Reidus and Cletus at RaceSim1!

We’re so excited to host Reidus and Cletus (the show!) for the exclusive preview screening of Episode 4 of their show !

We’ll be seeing their project cars on the big screen with other fans of the show  😀

Really looking forward to seeing yet another fun-filled adventure with the boys!

These guys are really amazing. With limited funds and maximum fun, they always bring out the best of their old cars even if it means re-building the whole darn thing!

Episode #4 will be ready for the public to see on Reidus and Cletus’ YouTube channel as soon as May 30, 2017. Stay tuned for that; it will be a blast!

In the meantime, be sure to watch the trailer.

Reidus and Cletus the Show - Screening of Episode 4 at RaceSim1